Mathieu Maheu-Giroux, ScD

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Population Health Modeling

Associate Professor, McGill University

Chercheur associé à l’INSPQ

I am an interdisciplinary public health researcher and my work has focused primarily on 1) infectious disease modeling, 2) epidemiology and surveillance, and 3) impact and economic evaluations of public health interventions.

In 2017 joined the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University. Prior to this appointment, I was a sponsored researcher in the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London. Since 2025, I am an Associate Researcher (Chercheur associé) with the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ).

Research Interests

Population Health / Infectious Disease Epidemiology / Impact Evaluation
Bayesian Statistics / Modeling / Measurements, Disease Burden, and Surveillance


Fellowship’17 Mathematical Epidemiology (Imperial College London)
ScD’15 Global Health and Population (Harvard University)
MSc’09 Epidemiology (McGill University)
MSc’05 Ecology (McGill University)
BSc’03 Biology (Université de Montréal)


2024-02-28: Salome Kuchukhidze (PhD candidate) was awarded the Rising star award (Jacques-Genest) from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé.

2023-08-16: Fanyu Xiu (MSc student) was awarded a Studentship Award from McGill’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

2023-04-27: Adrian Allorant (Postdoctoral Scholar) was awarded a CIHR Fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

2023-04-25: With collaborators at the University of Bristol, Imperial College London, PAC-CI, Johns Hopkins, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Meicine, our projects titled Transforming the response to the HIV epidemics amongst key populations: Addressing structural factors for achieving HIV elimination has been funded through a Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust.

2023-03-01: Fanyu (Vanessa) Xiu (MSc student) was awarded a MCVD Studentship from McGill Centre for Viral Diseases.

2022-08-15: Stephen Juwono (MSc student) was awarded the Max E. Binz Fellowships from McGill University.

2022-08-01: Lily Yang and James Stannah received the Young Investigator Prize from the International AIDS Society/Quebec AIDS Research Network at the AIDS2022 conference.

2022-06-02: Congratulations to Salome Kuchukhidze (PhD student) and Ingrid Lu (MSc Student) who received scholarships from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé.
2022-04-15: Yiqing Xia (PhD student) was awarded a Doctoral Award - Canada Graduate Scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
2022-04-01: Ingrid Lu (MSc student) was awarded a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
2021-09-01: Salome Kuchukhidze and James Stannah (PhD candidates) were awarded Max E. Binz Fellowships from McGill University!
2021-04-31: Yiqing Xia (PhD student), James Stannah (PhD student), Lily Yang (MSc student), Arnaud Godin (RA), and Adrien Allorant (post-doc) were awarded scholarships from the Fonds de la recherche du Québec - Santé.
2021-04-06: Lily Yang (MSc student) was awarded a Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research 👩‍🎓.
2021-01-15: Honored to be awarded (with Caroline Colijn, Julien Arino, and Marc Brisson) the Prix du scientifique de l’année from the Société Radio-Canada.