Disease transmission dynamics
Mathematical models of infectious diseases -computer simulation of
epidemics- enable researchers to study their transmission dynamics, to
predict the potential population-level impact of interventions, and to
optimize prevention/control programs. So far, my work as mainly focused
on HIV and other STBBIs.
- Dynamics of HIV transmission among MSM in Québec.
- Elimination of HCV among HIV co-infected populations in Canada.
- Cervical cancer elimination in high HIV prevalence settings through
cancer screening and HPV vaccination.
- Modeling the impact of structural factors on HIV transmission among
key populations.
- The contribution of behavior change, contact tracing and
vaccinations on mpox outbreaks among gay, bisexual, and other men who
have sex with men in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montréal.

Epidemiology and measurements
Measurements of population health and its determinants is a key step
to benchmark, monitor progress, and devise appropriate health policies.
I use models to analyze and pool complex surveys for diverse health
- Monitoring of UNAIDS’ first 95 (proportion of people living with HIV
aware of their status) in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Global, regional, and national estimates of violence against women
- Temporal trends in HIV stigma at global, regional, and national
Impact and economic
By comprehensively assessing the effects - intended and unintended -
of a health program, impact evaluations can generate new evidence,
promote accountability, and prioritize public health actions. Combined
with complimentary cost-effectiveness analyses, impact evaluation can
help policy-makers chose those interventions that provides the biggest
bang for the buck.
- Cost-effectiveness of accelerated HIV response scenarios in Côte
- Model-based impact evaluation of pre-exposure prophylaxis to reduce
HIV transmission among men who have sex with men in Montréal.
- Impact of scaling-up HIV self-testing on HIV transmission in West
- Impact of rapid diagnostic tests to reduce syphilis transmission in
Arctic communities.